Sunday, February 13, 2011

Photo Manipulation

Photo manipulation is not uncommon in the media industry. There might be reasons for this act of 'dishonesty'. The altered photos were probably used to gain readership, sympathy, patriotism, and others. Below are two examples of photo manipulation.

This two publications showed O.J. Simpson, who was convicted of murdering his ex-wife in 1994. Newsweek showed the original mugshot picture of Simpson, while TIME darkened the photo. The darkened photo showed Simpson in a bad light, making him look more evil than he already is.

This photo appeared in the brochure of the University of Wisconsin at Madison. The published picture, which is on the left, showed a black man among the crowds. But in the original picture, the man was nowhere to be seen. This was done to show diversity in the university, and to gain more students to its school

In my opinion, photo manipulation is fine, as long as it was done for good intentions. But sometimes we have to wonder, where do we draw the line?

Ravyn 2007, Top 15 Manipulated Photographs, Listverse, 19 October, viewed 11 February 2011,

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