Monday, February 7, 2011

What is a blog? (Are you kidding?!)

Blogs have been around for more than 10 years now. I first found out about blogging when I was 15 (that was 11 years ago). The blogging community is still going strong now. But it's not surprising to hear that a significant number of people still think that blogging is only for personal pleasure, a journal for people to rant about their daily lives.

This is no longer the case nowadays. Government officials, corporations, celebrities, and other professional bodies are already jumping in to the blogosphere bandwagon. It is even used to start up a home-based business, for entrepreneurs who can only afford to start off with a small capital.

Blogs not only allow the blogger to communicate with its reader, but it also enable readers to give their opinions about a particular issue raised by the blogger. This two-way communication feature will give the readers a better understanding of the issues at hand.

Creating a blog is simple. Blogger and Wordpress are both provided free. They gave step by step tutorials in building up the blogs, so beginners do not have to worry about any difficulties in setting up one.

The video below will give you a brief idea of what blogging is about, if my explanations above are still not clear enough.

leelefever, 2007, Blogs in plain English, [video online] Available at: viewed 6 February 2011 2008, What is a blog?, viewed 6 February 2011,

Schuett, TW 2003,
What is a blog and why do we need them?,, viewed 6 February 2011,

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