Monday, February 14, 2011

Print and Online Publication: Designs Consideration

We already knew the difference between print and online publication. But I believe we missed out something, which is the difference between the two in terms of design and layout. Designs for each of the medium differs greatly. This is due to the fact that reading documents online increases eye fatigue, the texts are harder to read, and they have partial page views. Below are just a few suggestions on how to design the texts in print and online.

Multi-Columns Layout

Use multi-columns layouts for print publications. According to Parker (2003) They make use of available space and word counts are higher. Readers will have to from the top of the first column downward, before moving back to the top to read the next column. This design will not work with online publication, as readers will need to keep scrolling their mouse. So for online reading, it is best to restrict the text to single column.

Reduce Line Length

Fill the pages in print publication with texts, but this should be avoided with online publication. White space is needed for online reading so that it will not be hard for reading (Parker, 2003). Build margins on the right and left hand side of each documents in the web, so that readers won't have to make a lot of left-to-right eye movements.

Indicate New Paragraph

Print publication uses first-line indents, as they need to fill up the space. It won't be difficult for readers to read too. But that is not the case for online publication. Online needs extra space between paragraph for easy navigation.


When it comes to visuals, it is best to keep it simple for both print and online publication. It may look attractive, but too much colour could distract the intended audience. Avoid placing texts over pictures or watermarks. This may work for some print publications, but usually, readers have to squint their eyes to read the text.

Parker, Roger C 2003, Looking good in print, Paraglyph Press, Scottsdale, Ariz

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