Friday, February 18, 2011

Internet Website Gazetted

Yesterday, online political website The Online Citizen, was gazetted as a political association under the Political Donations Act. Under this act, the website is not allowed to received donations above SGD 5,000 from anonymous donor or foreigners.

Singapore is known to be a country where media were controlled by the government. Is the government trying to control the media with the gazetting of The Online Citizen? The website is well-known for its anti-PAP (People's Action Party) and showing support for opposition parties. With the election around the corner, it is likely that the ruling party is threatened by the online activists.

We have noticed how powerful the Internet can be. By the looks of it, Singapore politics are slowly getting the impact. But with the government trying to gazette close in on political websites, will the power of the Internet prevails? So far, they have not penalise the website for any improper postings, but we will never know what will happen in the future.

Channel News Asia 2011, "The Online Citizen" gazetted as political association, 17 February, viewed 18 February 2011,

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