Saturday, February 12, 2011

YPAP Leader Involved in Online Vulgarities War

Last month, a Young People's Action Party (YPAP) leader, Cheo Ming Shen, was the talk of the byte highway when he engaged in a vulgarity war with a blogger via Twitter, who criticise him over his opinion on Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew. He apologised later, saying that the remarks made by blogger Rockson Tan, who is known for his vulgar language in his blog.

Cheo, who is also the co-founder of blogging advertising company Nuffnang, made a remark saying that MM Lee is the equivalent of Nelson Mandela. This prompted Tan to spurts vulgarities at Cheo. Cheo later retaliate, and even made a threat to "hurt" Tan, saying that he knew where Tan lives.

This issue shows how immature a member of a political party can be. Have he not heard about how organizations and individuals went downhill due to their remarks or actions made online? For example, the Domino's fiasco, when two employees made disgusting videos while preparing food for the customers. It was a public relation disaster for the company, and raised the questions on how Domino's employed people who have criminal records. The two employees was fired eventually, and they had to attend trials.

Cheo should have known the consequences of his actions, considering that he is the co-founder of a blogging advertising company. If he cannot be rational in tackling this issue, then he sure don't deserve to be a politician.

AsiaOne 2011, YPAP leader regrets behaviour in 'vulgarity war', Friday 21 January, viewed 12 February 2011,

Clifford, S 2009, Video prank at Domino's taints brand, The New York Times, Wednesday 15 April, viewed 12 February 2011,

The Temasek Review 2011, YPAP leader engaged netizens in vulgarity war, Tuesday 18 January, viewed 12 February 2011,

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